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GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

GDPR is the European Union's new regulation for protecting the privacy of  its citizens.

Start your project towards protecting your organisation and data subjects with our free report:

GDPR Organisational Overview And Strategic Plan

Download and freely distribute from the link below ...

GDPR is enforceable from May 2018. Its predecessors were 'directives' implemented to varying levels by individual member nations. However, GDPR is law and harmonised across the European Union.

Having said that, its impact goes far beyond the European Union and directly affects a large number of organisations worldwide, regardless of size, as you will see in the downloadable report below.

This report is provided free of charge for information purposes.The author and this website do not take any responsibility for any use make of this report or any consequences of that usage. You are solely responsible for any consequences of your usage of the information provided.

You must employ your own independent advisers without reliance on the contents of this report.

Release 1.0 - click this link and save to your device:

You are provided with a non-exclusive license to distribute this report by email, from your website or other electronic means as long as the report is kept intact without any changes to the content.

You may also use this report in any of your presentations, seminars and webinars as long as the report is kept intact and without change.